Puppy Resource Center
Thinking of adding a Bernese Mountain Dog (Berner) puppy to your family? The BMDCNV can help you learn about the basics of conformation and breeding, how to select a breeder, and provide information on health, nutrition, training, and other aspects of life with a Berner.
Finding the right breeder is the MOST important decision you will make in your impending relationship with a Berner. This is a decision that will be with you for the life of the dog. Do your research and you stand the best chance of sharing a fulfilling life with a Berner.
We strongly encourage all "potential puppy owners" to read all of the information found here in our comprehensive and informative Puppy Resource Center:

BMD Puppy Buyer's Guide. Two good resources:
Broker's Flyer (to help you differentiate between a broker and a responsible breeder)
Health Certifications (make sure to read the fine print)
Don't Buy that Doggie in the Window (why not to buy from a pet shop)
Why Not to Buy a Puppy for Christmas (applies to pandemics, vacation time, and other holidays too!)
1. BMDCNV members participating in the BRP may be the owners of a sire or dam. Both the sire and the dam of any litter produced must be entered into the Berner-Garde database.
2. BMDCNV members participating in the BRP must be a member in good standing of the BMDCNV, Inc. for at least the last two consecutive years and have no unresolved grievances with the BMDCNV, Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America (BMDCA) or American Kennel Club (AKC).
3. BRP members will attend at least one BMDCNV club function per year.
4. Subscription to the BMDCNV BRP takes place annually, during the months of January and February. Enrollment in the BRP is for one calendar year and requires an annual nonrefundable fee of $25.00 payable between January 1 and February 1. Those joining the program after February 1st must still pay the full nonrefundable $25.00 fee for the remaining calendar year.
5. BRP members must own a Bernese Mountain Dog who in the last five years, has earned one or more of the following: a) an AKC title, b) two championship points from an AKC licensed dog show, c) a BMDCA title; or have judged an AKC or BMDCA conformation event. A copy of the AKC/BMDCA title or proof of AKC championship points earned must be on file with the BMDCNV for eligibility. A copy of the judging assignment must be included for those members qualifying with judging experience.
6. BRP members will provide to parties involved, copies of the following documents relating to both parents of a prospective litter, or to a dog to be used for breeding, before there is any exchange of money and/or services, including a deposit:
A. A four generation pedigree
B. Copies of reports of hip and elbow evaluations from a recognized registry
C. Copies of eye reports from a board-certified canine ophthalmologist
D. A written contract for all transactions including puppy sales and breeding agreements that identifies the expectations of each particular agreement.
7. BRP members will explain and identify to a prospective owner his/her reasons for a price difference in the purchase price of an individual puppy including, but not limited to, the difference between a show prospect and a pet quality puppy. Breeders will not attempt to sell a puppy for show quality price to a prospective buyer who is seeking a puppy for companion purposes only.
8. BRP members will provide a written agreement/contract to the prospective buyer/owner that includes the potential quality and price of a puppy BEFORE any money exchanges hands or the puppy is offered for sale to that particular individual.
9. BRP members will not breed female Bernese Mountain Dogs under the age of 18 months. It is recommended that members not use a male Bernese Mountain Dog for breeding that is under 18 months of age. BRP members acknowledge that ideally Bernese Mountain Dogs should not be used for breeding under the age of two years and after they have received normal hip, elbow and eye certifications.
10. BMDCNV members participating in the BRP will not allow a bitch they own, co-own or lease to have more than two litters in any 18-month period and will preferably skip a heat cycle between litters.
11. BRP members will produce litters of Bernese Mountain Dog puppies that are eligible for registration with the AKC.
12. BRP members will not purchase, breed, sell or conduct any transaction with puppies/dogs from USDA licensed breeders or brokers (IE: puppy mills) except in cases of rescue whereupon the dog will be spayed or neutered.
13. BRP members will not place puppies until the age of seven weeks or in accordance with state law.
14. BRP members shall make themselves available to the purchaser after the sale has been consummated, to help with education counseling, grooming and other care questions as well as solving behavioral problems.
15. BMDCNV members participating in the BRP agree to take back or assist in rehoming any dog he/she has bred or owned in the event that the current owner is unable or unwilling to keep the dog, regardless of age or health. This will be clearly stated in all contracts used by the breeder. BRP members will claim responsibility for dogs of their breeding from any rescue organization, with which the dog may be involved, so that an animal of their breeding does not become a public burden. If the breeder is still actively breeding, they are required to take back the dog or make arrangements for the placement of the dog to remain in the Breeder Referral Program.
16. The BMDCNV secretary will accept initial membership in the BMDCNV BRP on an individual basis. The BRP membership will be reviewed annually. The BRP Committee will review the criteria for membership on an annual basis and make recommendations to the BMDCNV Board of Directors.
Please complete and submit the form below to access a list of Bernese Mountain Dog breeders currently in the BMDCNV Breeder Referral Program.